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發 表 主 題 Wish Mr.Paul will win the 8th winner 發 佈 日 期 2010-07-11 23:54:10
發 表 人 CYLIU 回 應 數 3
Everyday should listen to our greatest Mr.Paul that he is a Germany who was born in England. Except the Netherland .

Hope Spain would win the championship of the FIFA .
There is a live on TV until the morning 2:30 Taiwna time, Wish Spain win the game. also rescue Mr.Paul though he is going to die in the next year.
發 表 人 min 回 覆 日 期 2010-07-12 14:32:11
回 應 主 題 RE: Wish Mr.Paul will win the 8th winner
Well, Mr. Paul is absolutely a special creture that I've ever seen in this world. I have an idea that we should ask him when the Euro debt crisis will be over and when our stock prices will go up again and I believe this is the most important thing we should know at this stage.

By the way, I stand for spain, either. "Go go Mr. paul"
發 表 人 CYLIU 回 覆 日 期 2010-07-12 08:54:03
回 應 主 題 RE: Wish Mr.Paul will win the 8th winner
congratulation our great nation Spain win the year of FIFA on 2010 of the championship . Because this victory can lead the area of Europe to the way of recovery. Wish all of you can win the lottery of our capital fund.
發 表 人 夜魔俠 回 覆 日 期 2010-07-12 04:06:13
回 應 主 題 RE: Wish Mr.Paul will win the 8th winner
I agree with you
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